Building Permits

Building Inspector:  Donavan Epp 

Telephone: (204) 712-7252



What is a building permit?

A building permit is a document, which grants legal permission to begin construction of a building project.

Why is a building permit required?
A building permit is required in order to protect the health, safety, and welfare of the public. It does so by providing the means for municipal officials to review the project design and to inspect the construction for minimum standards as required by the Manitoba Building Code and the R.M. of Montcalm Zoning by-law.

What construction projects require building permits?
A building permit is required for new construction, additions, alterations, renovations, relocations, and repairs or rehabilitation of a building or structure. Some minor repairs do not require a permit. Listed below are some typical projects and whether or not they require a permit. Electrical, mechanical, and plumbing permits may also be required. It should be noted that a zoning development permit is required for any change in site development or land use. Any farm development requires a development permit this includes erections of grain bins.

How Long does it take to get a building permit?

When the permit application is complete; all required drawings have been submitted and fees have been paid, the permit application is forwarded to the building inspector for approval. Permit approval is as follows:

  • 3-9 business days for residential applications provided all required information is given
  • 3-15 business days for commercial applications provided all required information is given

What if I fail to take out a permit?

  • If the work does not comply with code requirements, costly repairs may be required.
  • Work that cannot be made to comply will require removal.
  • The cost of the permit may be doubled.
  • Legal action may be initiated to ensure compliance.

Examples of other projects which require a building permit:

  • Finishing previously unfinished spaces such as recreational rooms, family rooms, attics, etc.

  • Repair and underpinning of foundations.

  • Construction of decks in excess of 200 mm (8 in.) above the ground.

  • Construction of accessory buildings (storage sheds, etc.) exceeding 10 square meters (108 sq. ft.)

  • Construction of attached and detached garages and carports.


Examples of projects which normally do not require a building permit:
(If in doubt, call the number listed at the end of this document)

  • Replacement of stucco, siding, or shingles with the same material.

  • Replacement of doors when the opening is not altered.

  • Patching, painting, and decoration.

  • Installation of cabinets and shelves.

Note: Although a building permit may not be required, it is still necessary to comply with the building code. Some of the above may require a "Renovation” permit.

Where can I obtain a building permit or get more information?
At the RM of Montcalm Municipal office located at 46 First St E Letellier, for more information call 204-737-2271 or email: