Public Hearings

Why did I receive a notice of public hearing?  

The Planning Act requires that owners of property within 100 metres of the affected property regarding the application must receive a copy of this notice.

What happens at the hearing?

The Chairman will open the public hearing and name the applicant and what has been applied for.  The applicant will be asked to speak to the application and explain what it is they are applying for.  Questions may be asked by Council for clarification.  The Chairman will ask if there is anyone else there to speak for or against the application.  If written materials are submitted, they will be attached to the agenda for Council to read.  The applicant has the opportunity to respond to questions or concerns.  If more information is required, Council may adjourn the meeting to another Council to receive more information.  If no further information is required, Council will close the hearing and either make a decision at this meeting or at a later Council meeting.

What if I don’t want to attend the hearing but want to submit something in writing? 

If written materials are submitted, they will be attached to the agenda for Council to read. Submissions may be mailed, dropped off at the Municipal Office or emailed before 4:30 pm the day before the meeting to be attached to the Council agenda. Please note correspondence for a public hearing to Reeve and Council becomes a public record and may be published in a meeting agenda.  Letters submitted anonymously will not be presented to Council.